Friday, March 28, 2014

A letter from a father

Dear Daughter,

It would be very incredulous for people to understand as to why a father has to write a letter to his daughter when both of them are in the same house !!!
I am writing this to you with a lot of angst, fear and disillusionment.
Actually this is more of an apology from a man born in the illustrious land called India to a woman who happens to be his girl child.
Daughter dearest, I am extremely sorry to have given birth to you in this country where you are no more revered as mother, loved as a sister, leave alone prayed to as a Goddess. You my child,  have become an object of lust, carnal desire and a symbol of subjugation.
Be careful ! You have many animals in the garb of men, prowling like the worst of predators and it shall be vilifying the animal wold if I compare them to any animal. Animals have a code of conduct and do not vitiate their world.
O fore bringer of happiness ! I am scared to death when you go out alone and start conjuring up the worst nightmares that have happened to women around you. How can I protect you my child in this land, where everybody seems to be a possible threat. I am ashamed to tell you that I have started distrusting myself since I am cursed to be a man.

I think enough is enough and my perseverance is running out. To hell with society and social norms if they cannot protect you. Arise my child and start taking your destiny in you hands ! Do not wait for any law enforcing machinery to come and help you, since most of them happen to be men and they shall again let loose the predator with some flimsy loophole in the system. Have you not seen it happen to Nirbhaya's predators. The adult like crime committed by an overgrown teenager is overlooked since it does not define the parameters of our law. Ask the soul of Nirbhaya and she would cry foul for a thousand times ! Ask the parents of Nirbhaya and they would cry foul for a million times ! To hell with such kind of laws which cannot even deter a criminal, leave alone punish him !
These hounds of humanity are not even leaving elderly women as was the case of a middle aged lady in Vijaywada. My sympathies to the husband and teen-aged children of the poor lady who begged her attackers to show some sympathy but it fell on deaf ears ! The life of the poor soul was ebbed out of her body by the demons.
The irony in most such cases is that a near family member or relative or an acquaintance is the culprit.
O my child ! I again apologise to you for bringing you in this murky world.
The least I can do is :
I promise to protect your dignity, honor and self respect in every which way I can, even if it means to kill somebody or get killed.
It shall be my privilege to be your protector and I shall always strive to serve you with my utmost diligence.
I promise to take care of your mother who has been a source of inspiration and courage to me with the same kind of sincerity. O mother in heaven, let me make you proud to have a son like me.
I ask the gods for strength of mind and soul to keep up my promise and prove my mettle to be called as a man.
I promise ! I promise ! I promise to be a man !

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