Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A dog's dilemma

I dont understand as to why I dont keep blogging regularly. I should understand that it is actually a very big stimulant. Anyways here I am !!
Now to tell you about the big story of animals and animal lovers..
About two days ago I saw a stray dog in our colony which was lying immobile on the road without even budging as vehicles were passing by. My curiosity got the better of me and I got down from my motorbike to have a closer look. To my utter relief it was breathing and kept moving its limbs. I rushed to my home which is two blocks away from the road and came back with some biscuits and my daughter Sanju towing along with me. We fed the biscuits and were surprised at the alacrity at which it gobbled them down. We tried for Blue Cross for the rescue and after a marathon effort at getting their number we dialed their numbers. Unfortunately we could not connect to them though their numbers kept ringing. Maybe a hitech glitch at their communications center....
However the ever on rescue social media came to help, and my daughter came with a number of PFA (People for Animals). We were able to connect to a lady who in turn agreed to pass the message of the dog and its plight to the concerned volunteer.
In the meanwhile we were able to gather information from a local samaritan who also was taking care of the dog,  that it was the result of a post delivery complication that the dog was in that condition. He also told us that all three of its puppies had died immediately on birth and since then the dog was in that condition.
By now it was raining very heavily and we were at our wits end as to how we can take care of the dog. Luckily a call came from Prasanna the PFA volunteer who resides in a nearby colony. She came at 9-30p.m with another volunteer on a bike and immediately got on to the job of handling the rescue like a professional. The dog was bundled carefully and taken by our superwoman Prasanna to the shelter.
It was a big sense of relief for me since the plight was nagging me for 2 days, ever since I first saw the dog in that condition.
A big salute to PFA, Prasanna and everybody associated with animal rescue.

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