Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Terror and the terrified

After a long hiatus I am back ! It took a shattering disaster for me to be back on the blogging circuit.

Yes ! I am being one of those endless cribbers who do nothing when their turn comes to do something but are quick to blame everybody or any body in a disaster or rather call it as a systemic failure. Absolutely right ! I am the one speaking on the 26th November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

It was not a terror attack in the first place since nobody was terrified ! We are a nation of gullible,stupid and forgetful people but sorry ! Sir we are not cowards and cannot be subdued by acts of mindless violence.

I say stupid,gullible and forgetful since we vote back the same set of politicians who do nothing but sleep in their mansions of safety, oblivious to the perils of everyday survival of the man on the street. These peddlers of power can be seen groping for their share of media attention in the aftermath of violence but not during it. They are like the scavenging animals who have their fill on the carcass of humanity.

It was surprising that the media was also behaving in a similar fashion with the so called keepers of moralistic values trying to up their TRP score on the scene of a death carnival.

Whom do we blame ? The politician ! Of course not. Who voted him to power ? No use cribbing. Atleast let us wake up now and have a "clean" vision of the tomorrow that is going to dawn on our children.

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