Friday, August 26, 2011

Team Anna and a tame game

Couldn't resist myself giving a go at the Anna team trying to negotiate a hard settlement with a sometimes lame, sometimes tame and sometimes 'what a shame' government. With all and sundry talking about the Jan Lokpal bill including the corruption ridden netas and half baked knowledge laden movie stars, I also wanted to be a part of the bandwagon and so this blog.
What is Anna talking about ? "Corruption". A loosely used and abused word nowadays. If we are talking about corruption by netas and bureaucrats then we are only only talking about a minuscule lot. How do we measure corruption ? Is it by the amount of graft that has changed hands or the number of people involved or what the state exchequer has lost ?
In India we have every conceivable probability on the making of a scam, whether it is the amount of scam or the stature of the personality who is involved. However, are we also not to be blamed to allow this rot to set in. Let me tell you all that corruption begins at home. We are corrupted with goodies to attend school by our parents. We as parents pay exorbitant sums to get our wards admitted into sought after schools. Have we not overshot long queues by paying a broker his commission to get our driving license, passport, or a simple movie ticket ? Arrey ! we have not left even the Gods. To have a glimpse of God we have bribed the temple officials to no end. Is this not corruption ? How do we drive a wedge of clean governance in a system of well oiled corruption with our handicapped moral ethics ?
Anna has brought all of us out on a single platform with his stand on corruption. But Anna has also got to show the way to the common man on how to deflect away from the malaise of corruption. Only then his crusade shall have a meaning.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tipsy woes

Its a long time ago that I had last posted something on my blog. Well with none to follow my blogs it doesn't make a difference I suppose. Need to mention that it was my daughter who spurred me into blogging again. I had read her blog post titled " Big Fat Shedding " and was stupefied.It was a marvelous piece and as a parent couldn't help raving about her literary skills.

However I feel that she could have avoided the luscious bashing of the host and could have kept some for me.

Well, not that I don't have my own bickering on the event .............!!!!!!!!!

As a connoisseur of good food and drink I have my own grouse on the event. Amidst all the melee that was taking and my family was hurling the choicest expletives on the host, I was lured by my select company of friends who had abandoned their respective spouses to be in the august presence of Mother Liquor so that we all pay our obeisance to her.

We were secretly led by a distant relative of the host, into a publicly advertised space designed as an Arabian Night theme park serving liquor on low benches called "chowkies" in local parlance that could seat around 5 to 6 people. Our joy knew no bounds on hearing that all the tippler guests would be served imported liquor with an unending supply of the most delicious food. The excitement had built up to a frenzy in the crowd of the known and unknown, all waiting to guzzle. The frenzy had now taken shape of a free for between all with the lucky ones who had managed to get a seat waiting since eternity and the standing rows of the disgruntled lot like us to at least try and sit on the celestial sands. All were waiting for a glimpse of the ambrosial fluid to come and quench. I was reminded of "Lagaan" and the futile wait for the heavenly downpour.

The sudden gush of my already tattered ego made our group rush out of the venue with our already exhausted families experiencing first hand famish in the promised land of wedding.

We had a rollicking time at a close by bar and restaurant and by then our maddened tempers had cooled into utter disgust and contempt for the so called elite.