Monday, June 02, 2008

Election blues and reds.

The entire state of Andhra Pradesh was waiting with bated breath for the bye-elections to come to an end. It was not without the usual drama and its associated paraphernelia.
The Congress & Telugu Desam parties are a releived lot on account of their intrinsic support to have a unified Andhra Pradesh thanks to a severe drubbing of the TRS party which was for a separate Telangana.
This blog is not to analyse the wins or defeats of the political parties but to highlight the suffering of the voters ( read common man ). Mr.K.Chandra sekhar Rao should have waited for the term to get over next year instead of giving an en masse resignations pre-maturedly to highlight the backstabbing of the Congrss. This has left the state ex-chequer with a huge hole in its pockets in these trying times of inflation. Who has to bear all these expenses ? Yes ! It is we who have to bear the extravagances of the whimsical politicians.
It is high time that the constitution is amended to make it mandatory for the elected representative to continue till the term is over irrespective of his personal prejudices. There can be a bye-election only if some public repreentative has expired an has a period left over of more than 2 years. Anything less than that cannot be considered for a bye-election and has to be managed by the adminstration.
Lets hope that better sense prevails with our rulers !